Internet Stack Map

Gain instant awareness of critical service or application issues

stack map with alerts

A live view of your digital service and its health in the Internet Stack

Visually understand the Internet dependencies impacting service or application performance at a glance with Catchpoint’s Internet Stack Map.

By viewing every system and service in the Internet Stack that your application depends upon in a simple, interactive, real-time and automatically generated status map, you can immediately diagnose issues and slash both MTTI and MTTR. Only Catchpoint’s IPM can provide detailed, automatic, and interactive service/application-specific maps that simplify troubleshooting and show you external systems beyond the visibility of APM. Create as many Stack Maps as you have services or applications, and get a whole new view of service performance.

Internet Stack Map provides:

  • A live display of the entire Internet Stack for a specific service or application.
  • An interactive view of all internal and external services and how they interrelate.
  • Current & historical information on performance issues over time.
stack map with alerts

Stop Internet outages in their tracks. We can help.

stack map with path highlighted

Protect critical application uptime, reputation and revenue

  • Reduce MTTI/MTTR and save time and money by instantly diagnosing issues when minutes can cost thousands of dollars
  • See the Internet Stack from the perspective of your applications rather than trying to connect disparate performance alerts to specific applications or services
  • Diagnose immediately by drilling down into the relevant data by clicking on the live, interactive display
  • Show application status to anyone with a simple, real-time dashboard that anyone can understand at a glance

Internet Stack Map and Internet Sonar

Catchpoint’s Internet Sonar uses data from the world’s largest, independent active observability network to display an AI-powered, real-time, interactive status report of global outages.

Catchpoint’s unique Internet Stack Map uses data from Internet Sonar to automatically generate dependency maps for each one of your critical services and applications for live visibility into application health.

Together, they instantly provide answers to the questions, “What is wrong with my application?” and “Is it me or something else?” The result is comprehensive visibility into real-time status - that only Catchpoint can provide.

stack map with sonar

Votre allié pour la résilience de l'internet

En tant que client de Catchpoint , vous bénéficiez des avantages suivants

  • Une équipe dédiée à la réussite des clients pour vous tenir informé des meilleures pratiques, des tests et des intégrations, ainsi que pour vous aider à répondre à toutes les questions que vous pourriez avoir en cours de route.
  • Accès à une assistance 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, assurée par des experts chevronnés en matière de surveillance et d'observabilité
  • Des services d'experts pour vous aider à tirer le meilleur parti de la surveillance des performances de l'Internet (IPM)
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a group of people standing in a room